
Saturday 15 September 2012

Never give up on hope, SMILE :)

Sometimes, if you ever wonder if life is too hard on you, I don't have an answer.
But, all I could say is, god knows what he's doing. If you don't have any religious belief, this may not be suitable for you. And sorry if you feel offended or anything.
But, there is always something.

I know many of us has lost hope at a certain point of time. But, there's no reason for us to give up if.. People in africa is starving but didn't.
People diagnosed with cancer but never gave up.
These people had their hope within them.
And so muchmuch more.
Living in a first world country is already a privilege and we should, shall and will TRY to live happily considering the competitive and stressful environment. But no matter what, we shall not lose hope.
There is always a solution no matter what. It is just going to be whether you allow yourself to think that way. Not achieving good results isn't the end of the world. This world is more than just academic achievements. That's why there's Olympics. But the world is not only about achievements. It's also about embracing and helping one another. That's why there are charity organizations and philanthropist.
There is so much more for us to achieve and there is NO limits. NO. You just try for the best and that's it. That will be your greatest achievement. As long as you try. You might not agree with me and no, I won't force you to because people have different opinions. And I respect peoples' beliefs. Hope you people would too. ;))
For people whom have ever came across of committing suicide, listen to Ronan by Taylor Swift and you'll realise how fortunate you are to be able to live.
Anyways, ciao. ;)

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