
Friday 28 December 2012


I'm SO sorry my people.
This post is gonna be so long, grumpy, naggy, angry & whatever you call it.
I really can't hold it in any further. It's getting in my way.
Recently, I've got SO MUCH SHIT TO HANDLE. 
Life ain't always smooth-sailing. However, this is really urghhhh.

P/S: If you think a rant is gonna be a goodygoody language, just press the 'x' at the top of the page.

RANT #1: Yes, I'm small.
But fuck no. You don't bully me k. Doesn't mean I keep quiet, you pass me all the work & claim the credit. I have my own limits. & no, you dgaf if people treat you well. Because a fucking two-faced bitch like you talk about your own claimed-to-be friendsforlife & bitch behind her. It's not that nobody knows. It's just that we dw to disappoint your nice friend who has NEVER say anything bad bout you. Trust you to badmouth her. You better reflect. Don't know how? Take a mirror. If no mirror, go to the longkang there see. & EVERYONE IS NOTHING W/OUT THEIR MOTHER LAH. LIKE YOU'RE STH W/OUT YOUR MUM. NO MUM; NO YOU. 

RANT #2: Cup is Half-Full
Yes, you always look at the cup half-full & not half-empty.
But you know your calculations. If it is 30%, it's not half. So, the cup is more than half-empty.
And if you're biased in the first place, don't try reasoning w/ me. Seriously. If you're biased, whatever I do will never be as good as him/ her. Tell me earlier in future so I don't have to strive so hard. I won't be as good as him/ her anyway. So, there's no point right? Okay. Move on! ;) I shall not take it to heart. Maybe your mood wasn't good. But what you did/ say seriously affected others' day.

RANT #3: False hopes.
This is the 'in' thing nowadays eh?
'I'll be there, just a call. Or even a text' fuck this shit lah.
If you don't have the intention to commit, keep such promises to yourself. Don't raise someone's hopes up high & drop it all the way down from the 39769086325800 level. Don't say just because you feel like. SAY BECAUSE YOU DO MEAN IT. 
& the person you broke the commitment to is gonna probably ponder what he/ she has done that you 'left' out of a sudden. But the fact was, you were never there. You never meant the things you say. You merely said it because you think it will make you look good. Or whatsoever reason.
Sometimes, you did it to give someone hope. But when you don't keep up to it, it's false hopes.
& that sucks, BIG TIME.

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