
Thursday 27 September 2012

When someone forgets to wear

On September 23rd, is my dearest of my dearest Korea girl's advanced birthday celebration! We managed to surprise her at her doorstep and I guess it was really unexpected! She actually shouted, 'I NEVER WEAR MY xxx ehhhhh!!!!' ahahahaaaaaaaa. Everybody present literally LOL. I can't though was holding the cakes. There is a video on the surprise, unfortunately I couldn't upload it as it isn't with me. However.............. I have some pictures! ;) Enjoy!!!!!!

The one with the 'peace' is KIMCHI, 

We were all playing. Look at me, I'm like crazy. 

Leaving Kimchi's place.

Behaving just like an monkey eh?

This looks far more decent than the 2nd photo. 

I was all high. Oops ;3

When Ripley & I decided to BE CUTE.


There's a lot more photos but, here's just a few. hahahahahaaaaaaaa. Cos' I'm too lazy to download and stuffs. Besides.................... EOY IS JUST STRAIGHT DOWN THE ROAD. NOT EVEN A CORNER. ^&%*%#*#%*^*&%#&@%*@%#*#%*#%*#%
k, ending this on a sweet tone.
byeeeeee~ ^^

Saturday 15 September 2012

Never give up on hope, SMILE :)

Sometimes, if you ever wonder if life is too hard on you, I don't have an answer.
But, all I could say is, god knows what he's doing. If you don't have any religious belief, this may not be suitable for you. And sorry if you feel offended or anything.
But, there is always something.

I know many of us has lost hope at a certain point of time. But, there's no reason for us to give up if.. People in africa is starving but didn't.
People diagnosed with cancer but never gave up.
These people had their hope within them.
And so muchmuch more.
Living in a first world country is already a privilege and we should, shall and will TRY to live happily considering the competitive and stressful environment. But no matter what, we shall not lose hope.
There is always a solution no matter what. It is just going to be whether you allow yourself to think that way. Not achieving good results isn't the end of the world. This world is more than just academic achievements. That's why there's Olympics. But the world is not only about achievements. It's also about embracing and helping one another. That's why there are charity organizations and philanthropist.
There is so much more for us to achieve and there is NO limits. NO. You just try for the best and that's it. That will be your greatest achievement. As long as you try. You might not agree with me and no, I won't force you to because people have different opinions. And I respect peoples' beliefs. Hope you people would too. ;))
For people whom have ever came across of committing suicide, listen to Ronan by Taylor Swift and you'll realise how fortunate you are to be able to live.
Anyways, ciao. ;)

Friday 7 September 2012

Anybody ;)

If you would want me to write about any topic, I might just post ;)

Things come & go.

Certain things are not up to us. 

you see, things just appear and then disappear from your life. So, if it just so happens to be your lowest point in life, no worries, you  will bid farewell soon enough. Recently experienced a breakup. Don't expect me to explain why, what, where, when and how. It just happened that way. Anyway, the reason to today's topic is because he apparently no longer in my life and I sort of..miss him. I admit that it was my fault nonetheless. It is just impossible not to miss someone who used to be there 24/7 right? 
gosh. and, yes, I'm trying my best to let go. But oh well, let nature takes its course. No matter what, I am still trying to live my life happily. Trying. And, duh~ It's not easy. Particularly if my relative just passed away. Adding on that I am encountering issues at home. But, I still have my friends of course. And everyday there shall be a brightraaaaaaainbow. Remember, if you want a rainbow in your life, you've already have the sun. And if you are experiencing the worstoftheworstoftheworst time, just cry it all, yes all at once out and once those tears are out, they might come in handy for a rainbow. 
Sorry for the delayed posts & happy holidays Singaporeans though.. 

**Advice given might not be suitable for all. It all depends on you, you & you. How you think, how you want it to be and whether you want it to stay or go. 

Till the next time I post, ciao.