
Sunday 26 May 2013


yesyesyes, I have not been blogging. yes, I know. I don't mean it. My life is way too boring. But I'm enjoying it, to the fullest (contradicting, yeah whatever)
This is gonna be really short but I just want to say that life has not been smooth-sailing for me nowadays & I feel like crap. Sigh.
Never mind the negativities.
It's called the 'Kaleidoscope' you can get it for $20
yeaaah, that's a great news I know. Hahahaha, & there have been quite a number of holidays here & there. & this month is my birthday month soooo,  I'm gonna blog about it soon, cos' I'm busy nowadays (again) & exams are over yaaay, results are like shit so booo.
If you are not satisfied w/ your results, no worries. I'm not in the least happy too.

I  hate people who are like, 'I did badly', 'not good enough', 'I failed' when their results are like A1. Just please wash your brains & spare a thought for those who failed or barely passed. 
You might have the brains but idgaf.

Monday 4 March 2013

Sec4 life.

Wow. Life has been so hectic. 
So much tuitions, LSP, homework & all. Most importantly, it's my Olevel yeaar!!! The crucial year for most 97babies. boooo. So much to worry about. 
To worry about: 
1) What if I don't study enough? 
2) What if I panic & forget everything? 
3) What if I don't know how to do & lose unnecessary marks? 
4) What if I left some qns out?
5) What if I don't do well?
6) What if I don't meet my parents' expectations? 
7) What if, if, if & IFFFFF

Urgh. I'm like this at times too. It's just the thought of it that freaks me out. Especially when I have been failing nearly every tests. Just so depressing. But well, at the end of the day, what really matters the most is your Os. So don't let tests now bring you down. Turn it into motivation
yeah, easier said than done. Then get your ass movin' & stop complaining how tough it is. Do something. Start revising before you regret. By complaining, your grades won't move up miraculously. 

P/S: i'm typing this to get it into my head actually. it applies for you too. ;B 

Friday 28 December 2012


I'm SO sorry my people.
This post is gonna be so long, grumpy, naggy, angry & whatever you call it.
I really can't hold it in any further. It's getting in my way.
Recently, I've got SO MUCH SHIT TO HANDLE. 
Life ain't always smooth-sailing. However, this is really urghhhh.

P/S: If you think a rant is gonna be a goodygoody language, just press the 'x' at the top of the page.

RANT #1: Yes, I'm small.
But fuck no. You don't bully me k. Doesn't mean I keep quiet, you pass me all the work & claim the credit. I have my own limits. & no, you dgaf if people treat you well. Because a fucking two-faced bitch like you talk about your own claimed-to-be friendsforlife & bitch behind her. It's not that nobody knows. It's just that we dw to disappoint your nice friend who has NEVER say anything bad bout you. Trust you to badmouth her. You better reflect. Don't know how? Take a mirror. If no mirror, go to the longkang there see. & EVERYONE IS NOTHING W/OUT THEIR MOTHER LAH. LIKE YOU'RE STH W/OUT YOUR MUM. NO MUM; NO YOU. 

RANT #2: Cup is Half-Full
Yes, you always look at the cup half-full & not half-empty.
But you know your calculations. If it is 30%, it's not half. So, the cup is more than half-empty.
And if you're biased in the first place, don't try reasoning w/ me. Seriously. If you're biased, whatever I do will never be as good as him/ her. Tell me earlier in future so I don't have to strive so hard. I won't be as good as him/ her anyway. So, there's no point right? Okay. Move on! ;) I shall not take it to heart. Maybe your mood wasn't good. But what you did/ say seriously affected others' day.

RANT #3: False hopes.
This is the 'in' thing nowadays eh?
'I'll be there, just a call. Or even a text' fuck this shit lah.
If you don't have the intention to commit, keep such promises to yourself. Don't raise someone's hopes up high & drop it all the way down from the 39769086325800 level. Don't say just because you feel like. SAY BECAUSE YOU DO MEAN IT. 
& the person you broke the commitment to is gonna probably ponder what he/ she has done that you 'left' out of a sudden. But the fact was, you were never there. You never meant the things you say. You merely said it because you think it will make you look good. Or whatsoever reason.
Sometimes, you did it to give someone hope. But when you don't keep up to it, it's false hopes.
& that sucks, BIG TIME.

Friday 7 December 2012

The Holidays

I'm sorry for not updating. But here it goes..
Have been really busy at work nowadays. But ofc, I took time to party. And I got to say, YH's chalet was rather fun! Though I only stayed for a night, it was still rather enjoyable it's like a bonding with each other. AHAHA. I'm too lazy to upload the photos here cos' apparently, there is waaaay too much photos to upload. So sorry. But you could go to my facebook ;) 
And anyways, I just thought this is my diary so I shall post anything that I feel happy or upset about. Not today perhaps. But if it's going to be about you, don't be offended. Because it's what I feel. If you can't accept anything negative about yourself, I think, you should. Cos' no one is perfect. Neither am I. All of us are humans, we make mistakes. That's why there is human error. I'm not judging you, I'm just judging my feelings towards you. Sometimes, it's just me feeling a certain way so sometimes I only have myself to blame. There's a difference. So, accept it and face it. I'm impatient, insecure, short-tempered & easily annoyed. 
See? I'm serious. I have my flaws. You're not that perfect either. So, just face it. Like, deal with it. 
Personally dislike indirect tweets/mentions/status. ESPECIALLY FRIENDS. Like, fuck hell. As friends we're suppose to be honest and clarify with each other. Just send a text starting with 'Honestlyy, ..............' And whatever you want to say afterwards. Simple. I got to go rescue a friend now, so bye. 

Sunday 25 November 2012


Hey my lovely readers! Thanks for reading again, hahaha!
Went to ECP today and cycled for ard 1.5 hours? Okay, seriously, it's of no joke. 
My leg is aching. A LOT. Hahahaha. 
We forgot that Mac was demolished and moved to the OTHER END and yes, we went to the wrong side!!!! /clapforbeingsmart/ -.- 
So, we decided to rent bikes and cycle there. Smart move alright. Because, it started pouring. 
It is raining dogs, cats, ducks, chickens, cows, goats, pigeons, penguins, bears, crocodiles, fox, elephants!!!!!! hahaha. Yes, I'm being a drama queeeeeeeeen. 

Okay, let the pictures do the talking now. Super tired&lazy. 

Yaaaaaay. We reached, at last. ;)

I'm hungry>:( Look at my faaaace. 

Everybody say cheeeeese ;b

All wet thanks to the rain! 

Finally reached the new Mac!

Time to rest&camwhore!

Smileeeeee ;)

Girls, it's sunshine! ;))


Meh ;)

Camwhore while we caaaaan! 
My bike is wet! 
Otw home! Tiredme&UnglamRaphael
A tired smile & I spot a wild Raphael.
End of a wonderful daaaaaay! ;)
Yeah, that's about it! Super fun! Cycled really far. And you know what? One double bike punctured when we were JUST ABOUT TO HEAD BACK. Ripley don't know how to cycle. That's why we took a double for her w/ someone guiding her at the front. So all she have to do is paddle. But, who knows? The fxking bike punctured. And the rest were waaaaaaay in front. Leaving only Raphael, KaiJun, Ripley & I. OMG. Thank god for Yuhearn to cycle back w/ the receipt to 'save' us. Or else we have to compensate for the tyre and late return of bikes. TT
Super unexpected. hahaha. As we rode in the rain, we were already all dirty. When the rain stop, the water was being 'splashed' at us. So, apparently, Ripley&I went to bathe while waiting for help for the punctured wheel! Super fun! ;) I love you, my friends. 
MinMin <3 

Monday 19 November 2012

It's Always A Good Time :)

I'm back people w/ my boring posts. ;b
Have been out everyday recently. Today shall be the only day I'm staying home.
So, I shall share briefly the things I did these few days...........

Nothing much happened, but I got to study for my Additional Math Reassessment. So.....decided to stay home. But it wasn't productive at all cos' I played Wii w/ my brother! hahaha. And btw, reassessment is for people who didn't make it through the first try. 

hoho, the day of the reassessment. See, I studied only the day before. So, not expecting much! haha. 
After the reassessment, went to Somerset and Cineleisure to shop and catch a movie w/ Angelaaaaaaa.
The movie is starting at 1330. And we were there since 1030. And apparently, Javier's wasn't ready for business yet. So we spent an hour waiting. See, we're HUGE fans of Javier's and, we spammed the plate with food and all and it only cost ard $12 for a huge variety of food and for 2. 

I also bought like 2 cropped tee, an anklet, a pair of earrings and a Ez-Link Card sticker! Shall show you guys one of it.   

One of th prints on my tee.

Had a last minute meet-up w/ Seryi to do some shopping and..........I shall not say. Went to Dhoby Ghaut, Somerset, Orchard Ion, FarEast Plaza and I bought a pair of T-Bar shoes! ;) Yaaaaaay~ I'm sorry but I am too lazy to get up and take a picture of it. Maybe next time! But no promises ;x hahaha. 
And, I went to meet some people for Deepavali dinner at Sangeetha's house. You have no idea how much it took us to finish dinner because we're eating with bare hands. That's sth we would never anticipate to happen. But it did. And the difficulty was when we're all on the floor no tables or chairs! ): But oh well, it was one rare and fun experience we had making fun of each other. Some pics during the dinner...... 

Lots of unglam faces, but who cares? hahahaha. And we went to play block catching. ok, I know it's childish to some of you, but you know what? 


We also played Alibomb and some 'firecrackers'? idk what you call it. As usual, the pictures aren't with me. It's w/ Ripley and she went for OBS. I didn't go ): Sigh. It's okay! I shall have fun too! at home. hahaha. And we went home. Me, Jonathan & Raphael took the same bus cos' we went to slack. And guess what? They left my phone on the frigging bus. There are 3 of us. So when I asked Raph for my phone, he said he didn't have it. So my thoughts were, 'Stop pranking me it isn't going to work.' So I thought Raph&Jonathan was playing a prank on me. And Jonathan thought I was playing a prank on them. And Raphael thought Johnathan&I were joking -.- long storyyyyyy. But I got my phone back eventually. Happy ending! ;bbbb
And when I reach home it was ard 11pm all sweaty. So I got to bathe and all. And I couldn't take it any longer so I went to bed w/ wet hair. :((

I think this post is waaaaaay too long. Shall end here. 

Sunday 11 November 2012

Feeling left out? I feel you.

Today, the title says it all. If you ever feel left out or whatsoever, no worries! Because you're not alone! hahaha. Majority of left-out 'cases' comes from friends and yes, I experience the same thing. However, sometimes there might be certain reasons why they left you out :)

If you're afraid of horror movies just like me, then maybe they might be having a horror movie marathon without you! hahaha. I mean, even if they asked you along, would you go? NO for me. hahaha. So, think positive!

You might have sth on and they knew about it but it was cancelled but they may not know.
For instance, you had a date with A. So your friends heard about it from A that you two are going out therefore, they didn't ask you along. But, sth crop up for A hence the date being cancelled. So that day you were bored and you logged onto Twitter. You saw '1 new story' you clicked on it. The tweet goes, 'Early in the morning and we're having so much fun at _______________' like this.

But in your mind you read it as, 'Early in the morning and we're having so much fun W/OUT YOU at __________'

see? That's the REAL story. hahaha. kidding. Maybe your friends left you out but it might be accidental. ;)

You're in a relationship! You're always busy w/ your darling/baby/hubby whatever you call it.
Therefore they assumed it's another day out w/ him or her. So, don't be mad at them, they're just assuming. LOL. Okay, assumptions are NOT COOL PEOPLE DONT ASSUME. hahaha.

Anyways, just forget about the times people leave you out. You can still be happy w/out them! ;)
That's for today, bye~